Summer Sunflowers to Last All Year

Summer is truly gone. When sunflowers are in bloom, we know the end is near. Now that all signs of the sunflowers have disappeared, we know it's time to settle in and watch the falling leaves change to falling snow flakes. My friend June has created a way to enjoy her favorite sunflowers all year. She stitched this wall-hanging in bright and bold colors that are guaranteed to keep the winter blues at bay. Sunflower

Just take a peek at her creative corners! These notched corners will be fun to bind, and will lend an intrigueing shape to this kitchen wall-hanging project.


Surrounding the central area, you will find lots of bright colors that are taken from the quilt background. Each tiny area was quilted separately. The finished project will be warming hearts all year long.

Click on each picture for larger versions.


Thanksgiving Applique Designs!


Quick idea for setting an autumn table