Growing Pains
We're currently adding the embroidery designs back to this site, and we are having a few growing pains. You can access the designs by clicking on the left side of the page where it says Embroidery store, or in the yellow box at the top of the page in the link that says The Embroidery Store is now open. When you arrive at the store, some of the individual designs are marked as Out of Stock. This is one of the growing pains that I mentioned, and our web master will be fixing this just as soon as he can. All of the designs are available for your shopping cart. Another growing pain is on the Collections page. You can see the name of the collection, but none of the individual designs that are in the collection. I've decided to feature two of the collections here, because they have a Christmas theme, and they are on sale right now!
Here are two of the collections --- the Christmas Train collection, and it's adorable stitched on a mantel scarf, and the Christmas Candles are wonderful on towels, table linens --- anywhere that you want a touch of applique and glitz: